The Faculty of Information Technology was established based on the Natural Sciences Department, according to Resolution No. 58/NQ-HĐT-ĐHKTNA dated July 31, 2023, by the University Council of Nghệ An University of Economics. The Faculty of Information Technology consists of 2 departments: the Information Systems and Software Technology Department; and the Computer Science and Engineering Department. The Faculty’s mission includes providing undergraduate education in the field of Information Technology, offering short-term training, conducting scientific research, and transferring technology in the fields of information technology and computer science.

The Party Committee, the University Council, and the University Leadership present flowers to the Faculty of Information Technology

        Speaking at the ceremony, PhD. Nguyen Ngoc Hieu – the President of Nghệ An University of Economics, congratulated the Faculty of Information Technology. The establishment of the Faculty of Information Technology marks a significant milestone in the university’s development. PhD. Nguyen Ngoc Hieu expects that the Faculty of Information Technology will become one of the reputable training institutions for nurturing IT human resources for both the province and the country in the near future.

Lectures and Staffs of the Faculty of Information Technology

Lectures and Staffs of the Faculty of Information Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Information Systems and Software Technology

A New Beginning – New Goals – New Results!

Thang Bui Dinh.


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