On the morning of April 27, 2023, the Trade Union of Nghe An University of Economics organized the Union Congress for the term 20232028.

          Attending and directing the Congress were: Comrade Nguyen Thi Thu Nhi Deputy Chairwoman of Nghe An Provincial Labor Confederation; Comrade Phan Van Sam Chief of Office; Comrade Nguyen Thai Son Deputy Head of Organization Committee; Comrade Nguyen Thi Thuy Van Financial Board Specialist; representatives of the Trade Union leaders of universities and colleges in Vinh City. On the side of Nghe An University of Economics, there were: Comrade Nguyen Dinh Tuong Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the NAUE Council; Comrade Nguyen Ngoc Hieu Rector; members of the Party Committee Standing Board, and the Board of Directors. Notably, the Congress was attended by union members of the NAUE.

          At the Congress, delegates were presented with: A summary report on trade union activities for the term 20172022; Orientation for trade union activities for the term 20232028; A self-criticism report of the Executive Committee (EC) for the term 20172022; A report on the Congress results and a summary of union members opinions from the departmental trade unions and directly affiliated union groups. In the term 20172022, the Trade Union of Nghe An University of Economics achieved many important results, with numerous innovations in methods and content, proactively coordinating with the NAUE in all activities, building a strong and united organization, and affirming the position and role of the University Trade Union. In addition, the EC of the Trade Union has also seriously self-criticized, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses in management to find the causes and solutions further improve the University Trade Union‘s activities.

Comrade Dang Thi Thao Chairwoman of the University Trade Union for the term 20172022 reported to the Congress

The Congress also received contributions from union groups and union members

          Speaking at the Congress, Comrade Nguyen Thi Thu Nhi Deputy Chairwoman of Nghe An Provincial Labor Confederation acknowledged and praised the achievements of the Nghe An University of Economics Trade Union in the past term. With a limited number of staff preparing for the Congress, along with the busy professional work, limited time to prepare content for the Congress, but with the efforts and endeavors of the Permanent members, the Standing Committee, the Executive Committee of the University Trade Union, especially the attention, leadership, and facilitation of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors, the coordination of functional departments and organizations under Nghe An University of Economics, the initial success of the Congress was created.

          Comrade Nguyen Thi Thu Nhi also emphasized that as a and social organization of the working class and laborers, during the past term, the Trade Union of Nghe An University of Economics has promoted its tradition, closely followed the guidance of the higher-level trade union, the leadership, and direction of the Party committee, well-coordinated with the government, youth union, and student association to successfully achieve the set goals and tasks. In order for the trade union activities to truly attract a large number of members and workers to participate, and for the trade union organization to truly represent and be a reliable support for the members and workers, and a bridge between the people and the Party, comrade Nguyen Thi Thu Nhi suggested that the Trade Union of Nghe An University of Economics needs to strictly learn from experiences and overcome the limitations in the past term and effectively implement the key tasks:

          Firstly, practically care for and protect the legitimate interests of trade union members, especially paying attention to the care of trade union members with particularly difficult circumstances. Secondly, closely follow the leadership of the Party committee, the Board of Directors, and the higher-level trade union, proactively research and timely advise on the development of activities with specific characteristics of the educational institution to strengthen resources and overall strength for the activities of the trade union organization. Thirdly, regularly take proactive measures to adapt to the situation and practical requirements, especially in representing and protecting the legitimate and just rights and interests of trade union members through the implementation of grassroots democracy regulations. Strictly comply with working hours, rest time, ensure occupational safety and hygiene, and welfare regimes for workers. Fourthly, innovate forms and contents of propaganda and education work for trade union members, build cultural and sports institutions to improve the cultural and spiritual life for trade union members. Fifthly, promote the work of developing trade union members, focus on training and fostering to improve the capacity, level, knowledge, and skills for trade union officials.

Comrade Nguyen Thi Thu Nhi Vice Chairman of the Nghe An Provincial Labor Federation spoke at the Congress

         The Congress also appreciated the contributions and opinions from leaders at all levels and trade union members for trade union activities, helping the Executive Committee of the Nghe An University of Economics Trade Union to increasingly have better caring activities for trade union members.

          Speaking at the Congress, Comrade Nguyen Dinh Tuong, Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the NAUE Council, affirmed the position and role of the Nghe An University of Economics Trade Union with the 3 functions of the Trade Union and alongside that, Comrade Nguyen Dinh Tuong encouraged the spirit of the trade union officials and members, continuing to make efforts to promote the role of a political and social organization, contributing to the comprehensive development of the University. The NAUE always accompanies and supports the activities of the Trade Union.

Comrade Nguyen Dinh Tuong, Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the NAUE Council, delivered a congratulatory speech at the Congress

          With a high sense of responsibility, focus, fairness, and transparency, the Congress proceeded to elect the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Nghe An University of Economics for the term 2023 2028, consisting of 11 comrades.

Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Nghe An University of Economics for the term 2023 2028

          The Congress also elected 01 comrade to attend the higher-level Trade Union Congress.

          The Congress set out the direction to continue promoting the role of the Trade Union in the NAUE, for the term 2023 2028, the Trade Union of Nghe An University of Economics will coordinate with the authorities to well implement the Directives, Resolutions of the NAUE Party Committee, the NAUE‘s Strategic Plans, and Resolutions of the higher-level Trade Union through practical actions.

          The Executive Committee of the Trade Union for the term 2023 2028 is determined to strengthen unity, solidarity, and strive to successfully complete the tasks according to the direction that the Conference has unanimously approved, contributing to the increasingly development of the NAUE.

          With the motto:Innovation Democracy Solidarity Aspiration Development“, the 7th Nghe An University of Economics Trade Union Congress, term 20232028, calls on all officials, workers, and Trade Union members to promote the tradition of solidarity, join forces and hearts, make every effort to train in all aspects, determined to join hands to successfully implement the Congress Resolution, making a worthy contribution to the development of the NAUE, the Industry, and the country.

          Some photos at the Congress:


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