On March 27, 2023, more than 200 students from Nghe An University of Economics participated in theVoluntary Blood Donation activity. This is an annual event organized by the Blood Donation Club, supported by the Nghe An Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center and the Youth Union Student Association of Nghe An University of Economics

From early morning, many students have registered for voluntary blood donation

        In recent years, Nghe An University of Economics has been known as one of the leading universities in participating in charitable and social welfare activities. Especially for the humanitarian blood donation activity, the Voluntary Blood Donation Club cooperates with the Nghe An Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center to organize several blood donation sessions each year, which are enthusiastically responded to by a large number of students. With the messageA drop of blood given A life remains,” this activity demonstrates the spirit of empathy and mutual love, helping patients with the positive life principles of today‘s youth. In addition to contributing to meaningful actions, blood donation also helps donors to be aware of maintaining their health and living a healthy lifestyle to meet the standards for blood donation. According to doctors, regular humanitarian blood donation helps the body eliminate excess iron and produce new blood beneficial for health. The donated blood will be quickly regenerated by the body to serve the blood circulation process.

          At the event, staff, lecturers, and students were guided by a team of doctors and volunteers on how to register, receive free consultations and health check-ups, blood tests, and obtain voluntary blood donation certificates, as well as receive gifts.

Dr. Phuc, Head of the Blood Transfusion Department at Nghe An Hematology and Blood Transfusion Center, provided instructions on the blood donation process.

         Nearly 100 blood units were collected at each organized event. This blood supply will be added to the blood banks for hospitals, helping to alleviate the difficulties and pressures faced by the healthcare sector due to the current blood shortage across the country.

          Blood donation is a noble act that stems from understanding, responsibility, and compassion for patients in difficult and critical situations. A single drop of donated blood can help reduce the blood shortage in the city, offering a chance for survival to less fortunate patients in need of assistance from the community. Through this program, students of Nghe An University of Economics aim to enhance their responsibility and awareness of the value of life, show concern for the circumstances of others, and contribute a part of theiryouthful energy to the community and society.

Some meaningful images from the blood donation event:


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